Researchista’s Sparkle

Dear Researchista friend, Thousands of PhD theses are published every month/year in the world, and thousands and even millions of public money (usually) are invested in the research projects behind the theses, yet only a very-very-very small % of the knowledge shared in these valuable books reach you :/ I started Researchista because I had aContinue reading “Researchista’s Sparkle”

(51) Research on MUSIC: an intro.

I remember my dad telling me back in the days that during the Soviet Union times, for the cows to be more productive in giving milk, Mozart would be played in the background, while farmers would collect their milk. Maybe this is not the most romantic way to start this post, but if that is true,Continue reading “(51) Research on MUSIC: an intro.”

(50) Special day.

It is 8th of March. I would like to dedicate this post to Kristalina Georgieva, the former Vice-President of the department that is behind financing of all EU programms that exist in the European Union (even behind Horizon2020!;), that is the: DG Budget.  They say that without political will you can not make a change inContinue reading “(50) Special day.”

(49) Research on HEALTH: do-your-own-little research.

Have you ever watched people walking through a train station or in a metro line? Have you ever wondered what was on their mind? What did they eat or do today? Today, we will talk about a Research method that you can use anytime, it is called “observation”.

fashionista #3: Maaspuntweg & Stenenwal.

So, we went to see the Maas from the other side. Please meet our guest, miss Laurien Nagels-Coune who is also the first intern at Researchista, you probably heard about her before 😉 This story is not so much about a Research topic, since Laurien is in her first year of PhD. This story is aContinue reading “fashionista #3: Maaspuntweg & Stenenwal.”

(45) 1 year of Researchista: facts & feelings

2016: January Irina decides, it’s now or never ever ever will she take this courage to start her journey in entrepreneurship and makes visible to the public her Facebook page, called Researchista, raising immediately her deep concern about: “Does more knowledge create more happiness? Or rather, more unhappiness? “To perceive (understand) is to suffer” said Aristotle. More youContinue reading “(45) 1 year of Researchista: facts & feelings”

(42) Research on BRAIN: do-your-own-little Research.

This post of Researchista’s fantastic experience of using Research to learn Dutch faster has been erased by mistake and it awaits one day for it to be reproduced. It was one very good of a post… Until the inspiration comes again! With love for Research, R.

(39) Research on Brain: language.

We all have the impression that the brain is vast, and that vastness allows us to perform a long list of human functions. One of the unique functions that humans have is by far the ability to communicate. Human communication is direct and self-motivated. We do not only express ourselves to others, but we do it with the intention to change the behavior and knowledge of others.

(38) Research on Food: make-your-own-little-Research.

Every Monday, during a month on Researchista’s Blog you will find a new subject in which we invite one or more Researchers to talk about it. They are called “Special Guests” (because they are special and because they are guests). At the end of every subject (4th week of each month), Researchista is inviting anyone willingContinue reading “(38) Research on Food: make-your-own-little-Research.”