Entrepreneurship and Immigration:

Have you ever wonder how moving to a new country has inspired or made people open a new business and become an entrepreneur? Dr Nur (2015) found a direct link between immigrant entrepreneurship and success longevity in their businesses through innovation and sustainability. These successes lead to the creation of global brands, such as Heinz, Avon,Continue reading “Entrepreneurship and Immigration:”

Researchista’s Sparkle

Dear Researchista friend, Thousands of PhD theses are published every month/year in the world, and thousands and even millions of public money (usually) are invested in the research projects behind the theses, yet only a very-very-very small % of the knowledge shared in these valuable books reach you :/ I started Researchista because I had aContinue reading “Researchista’s Sparkle”

(54) Research on MUSIC: microsonic.

I will probably repeat this many times, but one of the challenges at Researchista is to keep my excitement down. Since I started this blog and our Facebook page, I met so many interesting people and the things we discuss are sometimes simply mind-blowing (bam) and this is one of these cases… So, from the left to the rightContinue reading “(54) Research on MUSIC: microsonic.”

(53) Research on MUSIC: Research with music.

This post is dedicated to all supermen and superwomen out there that manage to combine 2 passions, at which they are both good at, in their everyday life. And this my friend, is a setar.   Please welcome my multi-talented friend, Nasser Davarzani! Music helps me to focus better. Sometimes when I don’t have motivation forContinue reading “(53) Research on MUSIC: Research with music.”

(47) Research on HEALTH: first aid (CPR).

This is Research on HEALTH month on Researchista. It is when Researchers from different medical fields bring their best knowledge and expertise in few words to explain their Research findings and to hopefully help you overcome certain health questions or problems you might have. Please say hi to Sebastian!  Hi there! I studied Medicine atContinue reading “(47) Research on HEALTH: first aid (CPR).”

(46) Research on HEALTH: metabolism.

…(drums) and Researchista’s first Special Guest_Professor is Professor Dr. Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov! This is Research on HEALTH month and this month we will talk about me-ta-bo-lism. Let’s recall from school what metabolism actually means? Metabolē means “change” in Greek and is the set of chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms (that does not only include humans, but also plants and animals). This post is about Metabolic Syndrome. I hope the post below will inspire to eat fat in a smart way!

fashionista# 2: Maasboulevard.

This photoshoot is part of Researchista_fashionista story. The location of our second photoshoot is one of the main streets in Maastricht: Maasboulevard. It is main because it runs through the junction between Stationstraat, a street that takes you from the train station directly to the city centre… and with thee mmm, street itself. Basically, it’s at the cross-roadContinue reading “fashionista# 2: Maasboulevard.”

fashionista #1. Lage Barakken.

This photoshoot is part of Researchista_fashionista story. # 1: Lage Barakken street. p.s. Before anything, this is not how Researchers dress for work. I do not want to make Research sexy, neither do I want to promote a distorted image of people doing Research. I just want to make sure to remind that Researchers are creative peopleContinue reading “fashionista #1. Lage Barakken.”

(44) Research on BRAIN (extended): Misophonia

The quest into the unknown land of ‘misophonia’ continues. It is not included in any diagnostic manuals, it is not widely acknowledged by the medical community. Yet people who suffer from misophonia exist and here is what they are confronted with, in the words of Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout, the founder of International Misophonia Research Network,Continue reading “(44) Research on BRAIN (extended): Misophonia”

(43) Research on Brain (extension): Misophonia.

Hatred of sound: Misophonia. Have you ever thought that hearing other people’s chewing can be disturbing to the level of a disease? … When I learned from Mercede that there are barely 40 scientific articles published on misophonia the world (her opinion) on this topic, I thought, this simply can not be. How is itContinue reading “(43) Research on Brain (extension): Misophonia.”