(51) Research on MUSIC: an intro.

I remember my dad telling me back in the days that during the Soviet Union times, for the cows to be more productive in giving milk, Mozart would be played in the background, while farmers would collect their milk. Maybe this is not the most romantic way to start this post, but if that is true,Continue reading “(51) Research on MUSIC: an intro.”

(49) Research on HEALTH: do-your-own-little research.

Have you ever watched people walking through a train station or in a metro line? Have you ever wondered what was on their mind? What did they eat or do today? Today, we will talk about a Research method that you can use anytime, it is called “observation”.

(48) Research on HEALTH: dementia.

Dementia is becoming one of the most intrusive diseases that crucially diminish the quality of life of those who suffer from it and the people around them. Seeing the struggles that dementia causes and the future developments of our population, it is important to tackle individual & demographic problems by cost-efficiently and effectively supporting the lives of people that suffer from dementia.

(47) Research on HEALTH: first aid (CPR).

This is Research on HEALTH month on Researchista. It is when Researchers from different medical fields bring their best knowledge and expertise in few words to explain their Research findings and to hopefully help you overcome certain health questions or problems you might have. Please say hi to Sebastian!  Hi there! I studied Medicine atContinue reading “(47) Research on HEALTH: first aid (CPR).”

(46) Research on HEALTH: metabolism.

…(drums) and Researchista’s first Special Guest_Professor is Professor Dr. Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov! This is Research on HEALTH month and this month we will talk about me-ta-bo-lism. Let’s recall from school what metabolism actually means? Metabolē means “change” in Greek and is the set of chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms (that does not only include humans, but also plants and animals). This post is about Metabolic Syndrome. I hope the post below will inspire to eat fat in a smart way!

(44) Research on BRAIN (extended): Misophonia

The quest into the unknown land of ‘misophonia’ continues. It is not included in any diagnostic manuals, it is not widely acknowledged by the medical community. Yet people who suffer from misophonia exist and here is what they are confronted with, in the words of Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout, the founder of International Misophonia Research Network,Continue reading “(44) Research on BRAIN (extended): Misophonia”

(43) Research on Brain (extension): Misophonia.

Hatred of sound: Misophonia. Have you ever thought that hearing other people’s chewing can be disturbing to the level of a disease? … When I learned from Mercede that there are barely 40 scientific articles published on misophonia the world (her opinion) on this topic, I thought, this simply can not be. How is itContinue reading “(43) Research on Brain (extension): Misophonia.”

(42) Research on BRAIN: do-your-own-little Research.

This post of Researchista’s fantastic experience of using Research to learn Dutch faster has been erased by mistake and it awaits one day for it to be reproduced. It was one very good of a post… Until the inspiration comes again! With love for Research, R.

(41) Research on brain: hearing.

And here is Laurien back again with a crash intro on what is happening in our brain when we hear something! Did you hear that? 😉 A ringing in your ear? Source: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/03/living-with-a-sound-you-can%E2%80%99t-turn-off/ The first post in this BRAIN research series was about language. Next to spoken words, there are plenty of other sounds in ourContinue reading “(41) Research on brain: hearing.”

(38) Research on Food: make-your-own-little-Research.

Every Monday, during a month on Researchista’s Blog you will find a new subject in which we invite one or more Researchers to talk about it. They are called “Special Guests” (because they are special and because they are guests). At the end of every subject (4th week of each month), Researchista is inviting anyone willingContinue reading “(38) Research on Food: make-your-own-little-Research.”