(48) Research on HEALTH: dementia.

Dementia is becoming one of the most intrusive diseases that crucially diminish the quality of life of those who suffer from it and the people around them. Seeing the struggles that dementia causes and the future developments of our population, it is important to tackle individual & demographic problems by cost-efficiently and effectively supporting the lives of people that suffer from dementia.

(19) Magic 3: Policy – Academia – Business

When I was small, “Sailor Moon” was one of my favourite cartoons, especially when she and her girlfriends gathered in a circle and took out their magic sticks with magic powers from the nature: fire, air, water and earth – to unite their powers and fight the evil… When these elements are apart they have one power, but when combined, they canContinue reading “(19) Magic 3: Policy – Academia – Business”

(18) Researchista: first 3 months.

Dear Researchista friends, Our group is increasing and maybe is a good idea to summarise what Researchista is about and what have I been up to since the web-site was launched. So, first things first. Researchista is about bringing Research in the mainstream. This is because at the moment, Research is probably not often seen as veryContinue reading “(18) Researchista: first 3 months.”

(14) Writing & no RSI.

Intellectual work demands a lot of energy and effort. Apart from eating a lot of nuts and chocolate for brain, one also needs to be fit to be able to stay long hours in front of the computer. Someone told me once, a PhD student with no particular health problems was so exhausted from writingContinue reading “(14) Writing & no RSI.”

(13) Writing and RSI (my story)

Ah, PhD life…  So, that’s me and another PhD going to Spain, Palma-de-Majorca. Tasty food, beautiful beach, warm sand and refreshing breeze from the sea. This is me and my sister going few months later to Japan, in Tokyo & Yokohama, where I attended a world congress; thousands of researchers gathered there. Not too bad.. indeed, I couldContinue reading “(13) Writing and RSI (my story)”

(6) Knowledge is Happiness? II

This is the 2-nd post out of the trilogy on: how knowing more can make us more happy & how to find the right balance (because knowing more can also make us extremely unhappy)

Is knowledge happiness? You can not ask this question to a Researcher. All we do is dealing with knowledge. So, this is basically our source of happiness, our daily motivator and joy and glory. Well, that’s it then, the question is sorted out.